Spilling out of a strange pink box, a ragtag group invades the Old Port of Montréal seeking a new lease on life. After being left dumbstruck and marooned by a storm, they will find renewed inspiration through the circus, poetry and music. From spark to pulse, the whirlwind of life finally resumes. It is a true rebirth!
De mille feux unfolds in spontaneous performances in the heart of the Old Port.
Presented from July 30 to August 15, every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Free admission!
- Friday: from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
- Saturday: from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- Sunday: from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
A Tohu production, with the precious collaboration of the City of Montreal and the Government of Québec.
Quebec Poetry :
Excerpts from poems are read during performances :
La main au feu: Roland Giguère – L’Hexagone / La main au feu (Lettres à l’évadé): Roland Giguère – Typo / Les écrits de l’eau: Suzanne Jacob – L’Hexagone / Les vents de l’aube: France Boisvert – VLB Éditeur / Le rayonnement des corps noirs: Kim Doré – Poètes de brousse / Chauffer le dehors: Marie-Andrée Gill – La Peuplade